
Falls can be preventable, they don’t have to be inevitable.

Falls Free Vermont is a statewide coalition of organizations and individuals with a mission to reduce preventable falls through outreach, education, and advocacy.


Re-Framing Aging

It is important to age in healthy ways. The Falls Free Vermont Coalition supports all Vermonters and medical providers with a network of community partners and resources to support aging with dignity and grace.


Helping Vermonters Stand Tall

All Vermonters deserve to be able to remain active and healthy no matter their age. Falls can be preventable, they don’t have to be inevitable. From practical lifestyle adjustments to preventative medical care, there are many ways to reduce your personal risk for a fall. Learn more about Falls Prevention and the steps you can take below.


TED: Ideas Worth Spreading.

In the 20th century we added an unprecedented number of years to our lifespans, but is the quality of life as good? Surprisingly, yes! Psychologist Laura Carstensen shows research that demonstrates that as people get older they become happier, more content, and have a more positive outlook on the world.

Watch the full playlist of aging-related TED Talks here.